SkyMark is a software company, and a quality management company. We try to keep learning as we go along, but there's a lot to keep up with. Sometimes we run across books that we think have exceptional value...either they have something significantly new to say, or they are saying old things in a particularly cogent way. When we do, we recommend them to other people.
The bibliographical information for these books and brief reviews are presented below. If you have a book you would like us to review, or a book review of your own you want to have posted, please contact us and let us know.
The titles are grouped under the following headings:
(Some entries from the business bestseller list from
Titan: The Life of John D. Rockefeller Sr. , Ron Chernow
Unleashing the Killer App: Digital Strategies for Market Dominance, Larry Downes, Chunka Mui & Nicholas Negroponte
Team Rodent: How Disney Devours the World, Carl Hiaasen
Crossing the Chasm: Marketing and Selling High-Tech Products to Mainstream Customers, Geoffrey A. Moore
Blur: The Speed of Change in the Connected Economy, Stanley M. Davis & Christopher Meyer
The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What To Do About It, Michael Gerber
The Balanced Scorecard: Translating Strategy into Action, Robert S. Kaplan & David P. Norton
Working Knowledge: How Organizations Manage What They Know ,Thomas H. Davenport & Laurena Prusack
Inside the Tornado: Marketing Strategies From Silicon Valley's Cutting Edge, Geoffrey A. Moore
Selling the Invisible: A Field Guide to Modern Marketing, Harry Beckwith
Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies, James C. Collins & Jerry I. Porras
How to Be a Star at Work: Nine Breakthrough Strategies You Need to Succeed, Robert E. Kelley
Your First Year in Network Marketing: Overcome Your Fears, Experience Success, and Achieve Your Dreams, Mark Yarnell & Rene Reid Yarnell
Competing on the Edge: Strategy as Structured Chaos, Shonal Brown & Kathleen M. Eisenhart
The Profit Zone: How Strategic Business Design Will Lead You to Tomorrow's Profits, Adrian J. Slywotzky
The Overspent American: Upscaling, Downshifting and the New Consumer, Juliet B. Shor
Amsden, Davida, Howard Butler, and Robert Amsden. SPC Simplified for Services. White Plains, NY: Quality Resources, 1991.
Belasco, James A. and Ralph C. Stayer. Flight of the Buffalo. New York, NY: Warner Books, 1993.
Berger, Carlton R. Quality Improvement Through Leadership and Empowerment: A Business Survival Handbook. Pennsylvania MILRITE Council, 1991.
Burr, John T. SPC Tools for Everyone. Milwaukee, WI: ASQC Quality Press, 1993.
Collins, James C. and Jerry I. Porras. Built to Last. New York, NY: HarperBusiness, 1997.
Creech, Bill. The Five Pillars of TQM. New York, NY: Truman Talley Books/Dutton, 1994.
Crosby, Philip B. Quality is Free. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1979.
Deming, W. Edwards. Out of the Crisis. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Center for Advanced Engineering Study, 1986.
Ernst & Young Quality Improvement Consulting Group, Ernest C. Huge (ed). Total Quality: An Executive's Guide for the 1990s. Homewood, IL: Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 1990.
Feigenbaum, Armand V. Total Quality Control (3rd edition, rev). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1991.
Ford, Henry. My Life and Work. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Page & Company, 1922.
GOAL/QPC Research Committee 1990 Research Report. Total Quality Management Master Plan: An Implementation Strategy. Methuen, MA: GOAL/QPC, 1990.
Hosotani, Katsuya. Japanese Quality Concepts: An Overview. White Plains, NY: Quality Resources, 1992.
Ishikawa, Kaoru. Guide to Quality Concepts. White Plains, NY: Quality Resources, 1991.
Joiner, Brian L. Fourth Generation Management. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1994.
Juran, Joseph M. (ed.) and Frank M. Gyrna (assoc. ed.). Juran's Quality Control Handbook, 4th edition. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1988.
Kepner, Charles H. and Benjamin B. Tregoe. The New Rational Manager. Princeton, NJ: Princeton Research Press, 1997.
Lawton, Robin L. Creating a Customer-Centered Culture: Leadership in Quality, Innovation, and Speed. Milwaukee, WI: ASQC Press, 1993.
Miller, George L. and LaRue L. Krumm. The Whats, Whys, and Hows of Quality Improvement. Milwaukee, WI: ASQC Quality Press, 1992.
Mizuno, Shigeru. Company-Wide Total Quality Control. Tokyo, Japan: Asian Productivity Organization, 1988.
Moran, John W., Richard P. Talbot, and Russell M. Benson. A Guide to Graphical Problem-Solving Processes. Milwaukee, WI: ASQC Quality Press, 1990.
Pascale, Richard T. and Anthony G. Athos. The Art of Japanese Management. New York, NY: Warner Books, 1981.
Sashkin, Marshall and Kenneth J. Kiser. Putting Total Quality Management to Work. San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 1993.
Shewhart, Walter A. Economic Control of Manufactured Product. New York, NY: D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., 1931. Republished as a 50th Anniversary Commemorative Reissue. Milwaukee, WI: ASQC Quality Press, 1980.
Tague, Nancy R. The Quality Toolbox. Milwaukee, WI: ASQC Quality Press, 1995.
Taylor, Frederick W. Scientific Management. New York, NY: Harper & Row Publishers, Inc., 1947.
Wheatley, Margaret. Leadership and the New Science. San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc., 1993.
Wheeler, Donald J. and David S. Chambers. Understanding Statistical Process Control. Knoxville, TN: SPC Press, 1992.
Caldwell, Chip. "Mentoring: The Evolving Role of Senior Leaders in a TQM Environment," in Quality Management in Health Care. Winter 1993, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 13-21.
Plsek, Paul E. "Tutorial: Quality Improvement Project Models," in Quality Management in Health Care. Winter 1993, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 69-81.
Al-Assaf, A.F., MD and June A. Schmele, RN, PhD (eds.). The Textbook of Total Quality in Healthcare. DLucie Press, 1993. elray Beach, FL: St.
Berwick, Donald M., A. Blanton Godfrey, Jane Roessner. Curing Health Care: New Strategies for Quality Improvement. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1990.
Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations. Exploring Quality Improvement Principles: A Hospital Leader's Guide. Oakbrook Terrace, IL: Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, 1993.
Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations. Implementing Quality Improvement: A Hospital Leader's Guide. Oakbrook Terrace, IL: Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, 1993.
Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations. Using Quality Improvement Tools in a Health Care Setting. Oakbrook Terrace, IL: Joint Commission of Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, 1992.
Koop, C. Everett, MD. Koop: The Memoirs of America's Family Doctor. New York, NY: Random House, 1991.
Leebov, Wendy. The Quality Quest: A Briefing for Health Care Professionals. Chicago, IL: American Hospital Publishing, Inc., 1991.
Marszalek-Gaucher, Ellen and Richard J. Coffey. Transforming Healthcare Organizations: How to Achieve and Sustain Organizational Excellence. San Francisco, California, Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1990.
Weed, Lawrence W. Knowledge Coupling: New Premises and New Tools for Medical Care and Education. New York, NY: Springer-Verlag, 1991.
Berwick, Donald M., MD. "The Clinical Process and the Quality Process," in Quality Management in Health Care. Fall 1992, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 1-8.
Berwick, Donald M., MD. "Continuous Improvement as an Ideal in Health Care," in The New England Journal of Medicine. January 5, 1989, Vol. 320, No. 1, pp. 53-56.
Berwick, Donald M., MD. "The Double Edge of Knowledge," in Journal of American Medical Association. August 14, 1991, Vol. 266, No. 6, pp. 841-842.
Berwick, Donald M., MD. "Seeking Systemness," in Healthcare Forum Journal. March/April 1992, Vol. 35, No. 2, pp. 22-28.
Berwick, Donald M., MD and Howard H. Hiatt, MD. "Who Pays?" in The New England Journal of Medicine. August 24, 1989, Vol. 321, No. 8, pp. 541-542.
Merry, Martin D., MD. "Physician Leadership for the 21st Century,"in Quality Management in Health Care. Spring 1993, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 31-41.
Miles, Paul V., MD. "Physicians and Quality Improvement,"a paper delivered at the GOAL/QPC 9th Annual Conference. Boston, MA, November 1992 .
Cotter, Maurey and Daniel Seymour. Kidgets: And Other Insightful Stories About Quality in Education. Milwaukee, WI: ASQC Press, 1993.
Lewis, James, Jr. Re-Creating Our Schools for the 21st Century: Managing America's Schools with Distinction. Westbury, NY: J.L. Wilkerson Publishing Company, Ltd., 1987.
Rinehart, Gray. Quality Education. Milwaukee, WI: ASQC Quality Press, 1993.
Schmoker, Michael J. and Richard B. Wilson. Total Quality Education. Bloomington, IN: Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation, 1993.
Seymour, Daniel T. On Q: Causing Quality in Higher Education. New York, NY: American Council on Education and Macmillan Publishing Company, 1992.
Salmon, Verel R. "Quality in American Schools," in Quality Progress. October 1993 (26:10), 73-75.
Schargel, Franklin P. "Total Quality in Education," in Quality Progress. October 1993 (26:10), 67-70.
National Performance Review. From Red Tape to Results: Creating a Government that Works Better and Costs Less. Vice President Al Gore. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1993, (S/N 040-000-00592-7).
GOAL/QPC Research Committee 1991 Research Report. Benchmarking. Methuen, MA: GOAL/QPC, 1991.
Hammer, Michael and James Champy. Reengineering the Corporation: A Manifesto for Business Revolution. New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers, Inc.: 1993.
Johansson, Henry J., Patrick McHugh, A. John Pendlebury, and William A. Wheeler III. Business Process Reengineering: BreakPoint Strategies for Market Dominance. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 1993.
Marsh, S., J.W. Moran, S. Nakui, and G. Hoffherr. Facilitating and Training in Quality Function Deployment. Methuen, MA: GOAL/QPC, 1991.
Peace, Glen Stuart. Taguchi Methods : A Hands on Approach to Quality Engineering. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1993.
Lippincott, Sharon. Meetings: Do's, Don'ts and Donuts. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Lighthouse Point Press, 1993.
Scholtes, Peter R. The Team Handbook. Madison, Wisconsin: Joiner Associates, Inc., 1988.
Maxwell, Christopher I., James T. Ziengenfuss, Jr., and Rupert F. Chisholm. "Beyond Quality Improvement Teams: Sociotechnical Systems Theory and Self-directed Work Teams," in Quality Management in Health Care. Winter 1993, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 59-67
Bazerman, Max H. and Margaret A. Neale. Negotiating Rationally. New York, NY: The Free Press, Macmillan, Inc., 1992.
Barker, Joel A. Paradigms: The Business of Discovering the Future. New York, NY: Harper Business of HarperCollins Publishers, 1992.
Covey, Stephen R. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. New York, NY: Simon and Schuster, 1989.
Fisher, Roger and William Ury. Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In. New York: Penguin Books, 1981.
Nadler, Gerald and Shozo Hibino. Breakthrough Thinking. Rocklin, CA: Prima Publishing, 1990.
Senge, Peter. The Fifth Discipline. New York, NY: Currency Doubleday, 1990.
Senge, Peter et al. The Fifth Discipline FieldBook. New York, NY: Doubleday, 1994.
Senge, Peter. "The Leader's New Work: Building Learning Organizations," in Sloan Management Review. Fall 1990, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 7-23.
Senge, Peter. "Transforming the Practice of Management," presented at Systems Thinking in Action Conference. November 14, 1991.
McGregor, Douglas. The Human Side of Enterprise. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1960.
Pirsig, Robert M. Lila. New York, NY: Bantam Books, 1991.
Pirsig, Robert M. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. New York, NY: Bantam Books, 1974.
Schumacher, E.F. Small is Beautiful. New York, NY: Harper & Row Publishers, Inc., 1973.
Stivers, Eugene and Susan Wheelan (eds.). The Lewin Legacy: Field Theory in Current Practice. New York, NY: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 1986.
Thomas, Lewis. The Fragile Species. New York, NY: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1992.
Isbell, Ted, "Beyond Quality You Can See and Feel," in Industrial Engineering. June 1993: Vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 61-62.
This book provides a very useful and thorough investigation of
methods for rational negotiation. It includes specific tasks,
especially related to discovering the bargaining zone for your
negotiations. In brief, the bargaining zone refers to the range
of options that fall between your best and worst outcomes and
those of the other party. The book is easy to understand and
enjoyable to read.
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This book serves as both an introduction to CQI in healthcare
and a summary of the National Demonstration Project that piloted
CQI in several hospitals. It provides an insightful explanation
of why CQI is needed in healthcare as well as why it is
appropriate. The reports from the National Demonstration Project
present many good ideas for the application of CQI in healthcare
organizations along with some of the things to avoid. The book is
written by medical professionals who have a particular interest
in the quality of their field as well as a unique understanding
of the issues involved.
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For many, this book has defined self-improvement for the
'90's. Stephen Covey demonstrates an understanding of how people
work, think, and act. He captures ideas about motivation,
communication, and effectiveness with skill and clarity. Of
particular relevance to CQI are Covey's activity quadrants. Put
briefly, Quadrant I activities are both important and urgent --
like responding to a deadline or a crisis. Quadrant II activities
are important, but not urgent. They will have a great effect on
the organization in the long run, but don't have to be done
tomorrow. Quadrant III activities are urgent, but not really
important -- the small, demanding things that eat up time.
Quadrant IV activities are neither important nor urgent. CQI
teams should focus on Quadrant II activities -- problems that are
important, but not urgent. Teams are not meant to handle crisis
situations. They are meant to improve how the organization
performs its work in the long run. This book also contains many
other thoughts and insights that are very worthwhile,
supplemented by experiences from Covey's life. In general, it can
help anyone who feels ineffective and out of control.
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This is Dr. W. Edwards Deming's classic book of total quality
management, the encapsulation of all Deming's ideas. Perhaps the
most significant portion of the book is Deming's 14 points which
have revolutionized modern business. Although this book is very
popular, it is not easy to read. The information is certainly of
value, but it is presented as if it were a jumble of notes and
short statements. It lacks continuity and doesn't flow smoothly
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This book is a very thorough investigation of CQI theory and practices. It is obvious even from the title that it is geared toward top managers, and is written with their interests in mind. While the book does not break new ground, it is a complete guide to what CQI is all about.
This comprehensive guide to total quality management is easy
to use, full of good information, and not difficult to
understand. It is written well, and despite its thoroughness, is
manageable. An outstanding resource that rivals Juran's
Quality Control Handbook.
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"This high-energy, deeply researched book makes 'vision' an
operational component in a manager's tool kit. After six years
of delving into the 'secrets' of 18 visionary companies (average
lifespan of 90 years), Collins and Porras deliver a staccato
array of lessons that can be applied at almost any level."
Industry Week
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This is a great little book that will teach and inspire you to
negotiate wisely from now on. As the first book to encourage
rational negotiation rather than more traditional methods of
fighting for what you want, it is something of a landmark. Ury
and Fisher show tremendous insight with their ideas on separating
people from the problem, focusing on interests rather than
positions, creating options and opportunities for mutual gain,
and insisting on objective standards. Their methods are as
applicable to a single friendship as they are to international
summit meetings.
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According to the authors of this book, business process
reengineering (BPR) calls for "the fundamental rethinking and
radical redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic
improvements in critical contemporary measures of performance,
such as cost, quality, service, and speed." It might be described
as radical process improvement, scrapping the current process and
starting from scratch instead of trying to revamp an ailing or
outdated process. Unlike traditional CQI that looks to
incrementally improve almost any process, reengineering focuses
on core business processes that reach from supplier to customer
and determine the organization's capabilities. Core business
processes are those activities that are critical to matching or
beating the competition. The ultimate goal of BPR is to redefine
the industry by achieving new standards in quality, service,
cost, or flexibility. This book is very enjoyable and full of
good ideas about business process reengineering. Hammer and
Champy, champions of BPR, have packed the book with case studies
that bring their ideas to life. It is easy to read and well worth
the time. You'll finish it wanting to reengineer human society as
well as your own business.
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Hosotani's book is a remarkable survey of all major components
of CQI, or what he refers to as TQC. While he does not present
new ideas, the author effectively explains everything from
participative management to variation control to quality function
deployment. This book does not have the detail of Juran's Quality
Control Handbook, but is somewhat easier to cope with. In
general, the book reads well though there are spots where the
translation from Japanese is too evident. It is particularly
recommended as a textbook for companies to use in educating
employees. This book is particularly commendable for its emphasis
on implementation, including suggestions, as well as
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A succinct introduction to the basic tools of CQI including the flowchart, brainstorm, affinity diagram, cause-and-effect diagram, decision matrices, multi-voting, check sheets, control charts, Pareto charts, histograms, scatter diagrams, and so on. Also introduces the background of CQI, the Joint Commission's approach to CQI, and several problem-solving models. Packs a lot of information into a relatively small space -- is a good grounding in the essentials without a lot of fuss.
You can't get much more thorough than this. This book is a
great reference work, covering every imaginable quality-related
topic in detail, and drawing much from Dr. Juran's long and
distinguished career in quality management. If you want to buy
one book for all your CQI reference needs, this is the best
choice. Chapters are written by a variety of authors, so
readability varies, but in all, it is more accessible than its
girth suggests.
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Dr. Koop turns his keen attention to the health care system --
or lack thereof -- towards the end of his autobiography. He
describes the existing mess very cogently, and makes some
suggestions for change. The real value in "Koop" is for people
who work in and around health care who would like to learn his
prescriptions: getting rid of the "30% of what is done
diagnostically and therapeutically" that is unnecessary, linking
insurance rates to behavior, reforming tort law to allow a more
sensible malpractice insurance structure, and developing ways to
measure treatments and outcomes.
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This booklet is a quick and useful introduction to the basic theory of CQI and its use in healthcare, but does not contain a lot of detail. The section that discusses what one person can do to improve quality is unique and interesting. Dr. Leebov offers a number of useful suggestions including showing respect to colleagues, seizing opportunities, confronting poor quality when you see it, and pursuing continuous self-improvement.
This book is easy to read and full of great ideas to improve meetings of any sort. The content covers everything from initial planning to interpersonal relationships. Although the main thrust of the book addresses meetings in general, quality improvement meetings and their particular quirks are discussed. This book would be a useful tool for anyone who wants to improve their meeting skills.
This guide to quality improvement in healthcare is helpful
because its authors have been instrumental in real-life CQI in
hospitals. They bring the knowledge and perspective of experience
to their writing. The book contains real insight into the changes
that need to occur in healthcare organizations in order to
sustain quality improvement activities.
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The author of this book is one of Japan's pioneers in quality
management, and this is a distillation of his many years of
experience in both academic and consultative settings. It is not
frothy reading, but it is a good reference work, well-indexed,
with a good table of contents and perhaps 60 figures and
illustrations. It is well-rounded, intended more for managers
than statisticians, and includes material on QFD, quality
education, and, of particular interest, a fact-based description
of "Problems in Implementing TQC and How to Solve Them".
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Nadler and Hibino provide a thorough look at their theory of
"Breakthrough Thinking." They give clear instructions for when
and how to use their methods. Breakthrough Thinking is based on
seven principles for problem-solving. Most of these principles
are in tune with methods practiced by other problem-solvers and
improvement gurus, but a few espouse unique ideas. For example,
the uniqueness principle states that no two problems are
situations are alike and therefore the solution for one will not
fit the other. Solutions must be developed from scratch. While
this idea certainly has value, it contradicts the idea that there
is no need to reinvent the wheel and leaves one puzzling over the
best approach. A few of the other principles, particularly the
limited information principle, create similar contradictions.
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A groundbreaking work of modern philosophy and fiction. The
book truthfully claims to be an "...extraordinary story of a
man's quest for truth. It will change the way you feel and think
about your life." The reason we include it is because of Pirsig's
valuable discussion of Quality as the union of art and science,
emerging from the relationship between man and his
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Peter Scholtes is well-known for this excellent book on teams
and teamwork. He has very good insights and advice. His
suggestions for handling communication -- from introductions to
problems -- are particularly helpful. The book is especially
useful because it is specifically geared toward teams involved in
quality improvement, and covers the basics of CQI as well as team
instructions. This would be a great book for team facilitators to
have on hand.
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Walter Shewhart is the father of statistical process control.
His book is not intended for the casual reader, but it should be
required reading for quality engineers. It is actually quite well
written, and heavily illustrated with charts and tables. In
brief, SPC measures variation in production processes. Variation
is simply how far something deviates from its expected value. In
SPC, variation can be attributed to either "common" causes or
"assignable" causes. Assignable causes of variation are outside
the normal process and have a significant effect on the outcome.
Instrument malfunction is an example of an assignable cause of
variation. Removing these causes is fundamental to process
improvement because it brings the process into statistical
control. Common causes are inherent in a process and are only a
viable source of improvement once the process is in control.
Removing common causes of variation usually requires changing the
structure of the process itself.
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This book contains most of the papers presented at the first
International Kurt Lewin Conference held at Temple University in
1984. The content, all related to applications of the social
psychological theories of Kurt Lewin, is interesting and
informative. One of the most striking features of the content is
that it shows that Kurt Lewin's theory of action research is very
closely in tune with CQI problem-solving methods (see especially
the sections entitled Organizational and human resources
development and Community psychology and community
action). For a good synopsis of Lewin's theory of force
fields, see the article entitled Utilizing Lewinian principles
for an institutional planning process within a medical
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This is a very good article regarding physician involvement in hospital CQI. Berwick offers good advice about how to approach the problem of physician involvement, suggesting that quality advocates appeal to physicians' interest in the scientific method. Physicians may be more willing to become involved when they see that CQI is based on facts, scientific investigations, and experimentation. The article also presents a good discussion of the application of CQI to clinical processes, both for its own sake and as a further appeal to physicians' interests.
This is an interesting look at the paradox of knowledge: awareness of errors encourages physician improvement but discourages patients from using lower ranking providers. Nevertheless, Berwick believes dedicated providers must honestly pursue data about their practice despite the risks and urges support of improvement opportunities.
Berwick calls for the reorganization of our communities -- businesses, schools, healthcare organizations, assistance agencies, etc. -- into a mutually supportive network that will truly help everyone maintain a life of dignity and usefulness. The emphasis here is on integrated systems rather than discrete points of contact and often conflicting actions, both within healthcare and between healthcare organizations and others. As usual, Berwick is inspiring and enjoyable to read.
A remarkable look at the inconsistencies of America's health care system in caring for newborns. One of his most interesting points is that not only do the poor carry a disproportionate lack-of-care burden now, but also that, in the long run, we will all pay for the lack of care for those who cannot afford our expensive system.
This is a great article on leadership in CQI and its new role. The value of mentoring as an approach to leadership is very valuable to an effective CQI culture, and Mr. Caldwell does an excellent job of getting this across. His recounting of experiences as a hospital CEO lend credence and reality to the concept.
This well-written little article captures a unique and creative way of looking at the nature of quality. It is definitely worth reading and will only take a few minutes.
This is a very good article for physicians that outlines their changing roles and responsibilities and the change in attitudes that must accompany them. Dr. Merry encourages both physicians and hospital executives to reconsider their definition of physician leaders, giving it new life and meaning.
Dr. Miles presents an overview of how physicians use quality improvement to improve health care at Magic Valley Regional Medical Center in Twin Falls,Idaho. Magic Valley has embraced a systems approach, patient focus, study of variation, and better science through guidelines, outcomes, collaborative learning, etc. The results are impressive.
This article provides a comparative analysis of several popular improvement project models including the Juran Institute's model, Florida Power & Light's 7-step model, Paul Plsek's own model and FOCUS-PDCA®. Mr. Plsek also presents a good discussion of the concepts that these models attempt to capture.
Pascale and Athos explore the essentials of Japanese
management, focusing on Matsushita as an example and contrasting
it to the management of several U.S. companies. Their analysis of
American and Japanese business management is structured around
the seven S's: style, skills, staff, strategy, structure,
systems, and superordinate goals. Of these, they postulate that
the Japanese do a better job of including the three soft S's
(style, skills, and staff) along with the others. Pascale and
Athos stress the importance of organizational values,
particularly finding a balance between the science of production
and the art of dealing with the people involved, in creating a
great corporation.
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Lila is just what you would expect after Zen and the Art of
Motorcycle Maintenance, yet it still manages to surprise and
intrigue the reader. In Lila, Pirsig continues to explore
Quality, but this time his framework is much more refined.
Drawing on his interest in an anthropology of the Native
Americans, he is in the process of developing a Metaphysics of
Quality to replace Aristotle's incomplete subject-object
metaphysics that has misguided Western culture for so long. And
he does a good job of it. Pirsig's Metaphysics of Quality is
based on values rather than objectivity because objectivity
presents a false and impossible view. Values or morals are much
more meaningful that any ruse of objectivity and are the building
blocks of life on all levels: inorganic, biological, social, and
intellectual. From this basic structure, Pirsig sheds new light
on quite a few issues and questions that were difficult to
explain under Aristotle's subject-object world. Pirsig's final
conclusion is that Good, as a noun, is what the Metaphysics of
Quality is all about.
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This book, designed originally as a textbook for healthcare workers, compiles chapters written by many of the leading experts in healthcare quality. Many timely issues are covered including the history of quality in healthcare, the principles and techniques of CQI, and the integration of CQI into existing healthcare structures. While not the easiest reading material, it is thorough and scholastically respectable. The first two chapters that detail the history of quality in healthcare are particularly notable for their unique depth of coverage.
Joel Barker is well-known for his study of paradigms. This
book, published in hard cover as Future Edge, is easy to
read, entertaining, and informative. Barker does a good job of
explaining the concept of paradigms and its relation to the
business world. The main thrust of the book is that breaking
through current paradigms to create outstanding and unheard of
ways of doing business can put us well ahead of the competition.
Joel Barker calls the total quality revolution the most important
paradigm shift of the twentieth century. His analysis of this
single subject alone makes this book worthwhile, but there is a
lot more besides. In particular, I keep coming back to his
observations about ways to tell when a paradigm is getting old,
and how to recognize and prospect for new ones. The concept of
paradigms plays a central role in much of the business management
literature today. Working with paradigms is key to business
process reengineering, breakthrough thinking, and systems
thinking. Even personal growth literature refers to our
paradigms. In light of this, Barker's book is timely reading,
though its ideas will always be relevant.
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Quality Is Free is a clear and thorough presentation of
Philip Crosby's approach to quality improvement, which is based
on the goal of "zero defects." It also covers his quality
management maturity grid, 14-step program for company-wide
improvement, and his "Make Certain" program. A straightforward
discussion of the author's ideas is supplemented by many short
case studies as well as an in-depth look at how one company might
apply Crosby's zero defects approach. It is largely focused on
quality improvement as a management tool. Crosby's idea of zero
defects has been criticized by many in the quality improvement
field for being too narrow, but Crosby puts forth a reasonable
and interesting defense stressing the importance of having a
distinct and measurable goal. Crosby expresses the opinion that
zero defects is at the heart of quality. Other definitions of
quality get stuck trying to define goodness, elegance, taste, and
other design issues that are difficult if not impossible to
measure. According to Crosby, quality work is achieved by
conforming to job specifications. If the specifications are
incorrect, out of date, or inappropriate they should be changed,
but this is not an issue of quality.
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This book presents a thorough look at business process
reengineering, drawing on the considerable experience of its
authors. Of particular interest is their theory of BreakPoints,
points at which the success of your business can be significantly
shifted through the application of reengineering methods. While
the authors claim that it is not a how-to, the book provides a
good outline of the steps involved in BPR, in fair detail, from
first to last. The reader can gain real insight into what BPR
involves and if it is right for them.
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A short book packed full of good information for TQM
beginners. If you read one book about total quality management,
this should be it. Sashkin and Kiser cover the essentials, from
Shewhart and Deming on through corporate culture and the 7 new QC
tools. The historical background of TQM in Chapters 1 and 2 was
particularly interesting. Although it touches on all the major
points, this book does not provide a lot of depth. For example,
they skim lightly over SPC and other technical issues, but spend
a significant amount of time discussing a TQM culture. For most
of us, that's okay, but QA specialists and industrial engineers
will need something more.
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While E.F. Schumacher never wrote specifically about TQM, many
of his ideas are related to the principles of quality improvement
and appropriateness of work. Small is Beautiful focuses on
the need for work and businesses to be manageable, in proportion
to the size of a human being instead of monstrously huge and
beyond anyone's control. Business must be conducted as if people
mattered. Not only does this apply to question of corporate
culture, but also the environment, international politics, and a
society built solely on consumerism. Schumacher's ideas have
inspired many to improve their relations with their work and with
society. His insight into the foibles of classical economics and
Western society is remarkable and thought-provoking.
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Peter Senge's The Fifth Discipline is primarily about
systems thinking. Although the book does briefly mention the
other four disciplines-- personal mastery, mental models, shared
vision, team learning -- systems thinking is in the spotlight.
These five disciplines, with systems thinking as the cornerstone,
are used to create the learning organization. While the whole
book is interesting, the "systems archetypes," or generic systems
that define the operations of many situations, are perhaps the
most intriguing ideas in the book. These archetypes help us to
see the underlying factors at work in a system and can help to
define ways of dealing productively within the system.
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Many things have been written and said about Frederick
Taylor's remarkably influential theory of scientific management,
most of them critical. A fair bit of this criticism is
unjustified when viewed in the light of his original work. This
volume combines two of Taylor's treatises and the transcript of
his discussion of scientific management before a subcommittee of
the U.S. House of Representatives. Taylor has been criticized for
removing management from the process of production entirely.
Taylor states that workers did not have the knowledge needed to
manage their own work. Instead, industrial planners should
analyze work scientifically, with time and motion studies, and
designing tasks based on the results. Motivation for the worker
is derived solely from his paycheck which, according to Taylor,
is all that workers cared about. Today, several of Taylor's ideas
seem bigoted and judgmental, but many capture the essence of
total quality management: measurement and analysis of work
processes, matching jobs to worker abilities, cooperation between
workers and managers, defining clear goals for all workers,
extensive job training, and the value of worker suggestions. In
his words, scientific management constituted "a complete
revolution in the mental attitude and the habits of all those
engaged [as well as] the workmen." This
philosophical revolution that Taylor insisted was necessary seems
to have been left out when American industries adopted scientific
management -- until now.
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Knowledge Coupling: New Premises and New Tools for Medical
Care and Education The premise of this book is that individual
physicians cannot hope to learn, remember, and process the huge
(and growing) volume of information and literature available for
accurate diagnosis and treatment. Specialization has been an
attempt to deal with the weight of information, but this leaves
gaping holes in the treatment of the patient as a system of
interdependent physiological and psychological parts. Lawrence
Weed believes that computers, with the ability to "couple
knowledge," should be used to store and process medical
information. Not only would the patient receive more direct
attention from the physician, but also they would be guaranteed a
more thorough investigation of the possibilities arising from
their symptoms as figured by the computer rather than the human
brain. Knowledge coupling refers to the basic idea of pairing
observations derived from the discussion with and examination of
the patient with relevant information from the vast store
of medical literature. Part of Weed's vision is Problem
Oriented Medical Record, created with the help of the
knowledge coupler. The medical record should be viewed as a vital
store of information that contains extensive patient data and a
record of all observations, possible problems, solutions,
actions, etc. Weed envisions a copy of this record in the hands
of the patient when they leave the office or hospital. Ideally,
the patient should understand everything in the record and have
been a part of all decisions made along the way.
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Margaret Wheatley makes a significant contribution to
management theories with this book. Currently, our businesses and
other human organizations are built on models provided by
Newtonian mechanical physics. In the last century, however,
science has moved well beyond these models, but our organizations
do not yet reflect the ideas of "new science." Wheatley provides
a groundbreaking look at the findings of new science -- quantum
physics, chaos theory, fractals and self-organizing systems --
and how they relate to concepts of leadership, management,
organizational structure, and so on. The section on
self-organizing systems is, at this time, the most applicable to
any organization, but you will get the most from Wheatley's ideas
if you read the whole book from the beginning. Wheatley writes in
a very poetic style that is marvelous to read. She expresses
complex ideas in a way that anyone can understand. There are
relatively few practical suggestions in the book, and Wheatley
seems to recognize that no one quite knows how to use these ideas
yet. Still, she encourages letting the ideas sort themselves out,
creating their own uses when the time comes. If you want to see
just over the horizon of management, this is the book.
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This is a fascinating book by Henry Ford himself that,
according to Thomas Stuelpnagel, was only recently rediscovered
by Ford executives at the instigation of the Japanese. Among
various anecdotes from his life, Ford clearly expresses his
theories of management, engineering, marketing, quality, and so
on. Although some of what he writes is dated, many of his
thoughts are still valid and remarkably in tune with modern
TQM/CQI practices. Of particular interest are his ideas on the
importance of the customer and providing them with both a quality
product and quality service, the need for continuous improvement,
employee relations, and the value of work and business. Since the
book is a bit of a memoir, these ideas are scattered throughout,
but are worth the reading involved.
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This book is well-known for McGregor's presentation of Theory
X and Theory Y, two different sets of assumptions about workers
that would lead to different management systems. Theory X assumes
the attitudes that are prevalent in scientific management: people
are naturally lazy, resistant to organization, and must be
persuaded to follow directions; most laborers lack ambition,
interest in their work, and the education needed to make
reasonable decisions for themselves; money is the only motivator
-- they don't care what they do as long as they get paid. Theory
Y, on the other hand, accepts workers as creative people who want
to participate in all aspects of their work. People are not lazy;
they want to do their job and do it well. Once their basic needs
are satisfied, work must appeal to the higher needs of
self-esteem and self-actualization. Management should be designed
to address these needs and make it possible for workers to
develop themselves and their work. McGregor's work is interesting
and sets the stage for the last three decades of discussion about
management practices and techniques.
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The Leader's New Work: Building Learning Organizations Written by Peter Senge, this article is essentially a summary of his book, The Fifth Discipline. He presents the basics of systems thinking as well as his ideas about the "learning organization" in clear terms. The article addresses new roles for leaders, new skills like systems thinking, and new tools. As usual for Senge, the article is easy to read, enjoyable, and full of interesting and useful ideas. If you have not read The Fifth Discipline, this article is a thorough but manageable investigation of Senge's ideas. If you have read the book or other articles by Senge on this topic, this article will sound familiar, but makes a nice refresher.
Transforming the Practice of Management This presentation by Peter Senge focuses on the issues involved in managing a "learning organization," an organization based on knowledge rather than abundant natural resources. According to Senge, management of a learning organization requires building shared vision, encouraging thinking and acting at all levels, thinking in terms of systems, creating mutual mental models, and a new concept of leadership. Many suggestions and insights are offered that make these requirements of the learning organization more accessible. Systems thinking is the most unique of Senge's ideas. As our world becomes more complex, we must to learn to think in terms of systems in order to fully understand the consequences of our actions. Senge uses systems archetypes to apply systems thinking to real situations, several of which are discussed here. As always, Senge writes with clarity and simplicity. Much of what is said here is similar to his book, The Fifth Discipline, as well as other articles about learning organizations, but this presentation offers a nice balance of his thoughts.
This article reviews sociotechnical systems theory in an effort to encourage its application to healthcare in the form of self-directed work teams. The authors provide several examples of successful self-directed work teams in a variety of healthcare settings. At the same time, the authors suggest that further research and more experimental teams are needed before we will know how well self-directed teams work in healthcare.
This booklet was produced by the Pennsylvania MILRITE Council to increase awareness of quality improvement among Pennsylvania businesses. It is a thorough look at the theories and practices involved in CQI. The booklet covers topics that include benchmarking, an implementation plan, the costs of quality, and surveying customers. The section on determining the costs of quality is particularly interesting because it offers a straightforward and easy-to-apply approach to an issue that many find vague. In general, this book is an excellent introduction to CQI that does not demand a big time commitment. This booklet can only be purchased from the Manufacturing Services Extension Center (MSEC) at 301 Broadway, Bethlehem, PA 18015.
The Whats, Whys, and Hows of Quality Improvement This book
provides an excellent introduction to CQI, where it came from,
and its many components. The authors have geared toward those who
have no background in the subject but will need to apply it. They
expressly point out that the book is not directed toward
executives and managers, even though they could benefit from
reading it. The section that deals with the history of CQI is
particularly good and remarkably thorough, with credit given to
many others besides Deming and Shewhart. In general, the book
presents all the vital information in a very readable
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Exploring Quality Improvement Principles: A Hospital Leader's Guide This book does an admirable job of exploring several of the vital concepts of CQI, including leadership, culture, empowerment, customer focus, and understanding processes. It is particularly valuable because it was written for healthcare organizations and includes many pertinent examples. It is enjoyable reading and is a good place to start a CQI education.
Since its inception in the US, quality improvement has
emphasized processes. As a result, many CQI initiatives are
producer-centered because this is where the processes in question
are found. Robin Lawton argues that this is misleading -- we need
to focus on customers first and foremost. In this book, Lawton
presents a thorough and convincing investigation of his ideas
about improvement through customer-centeredness. For example, he
improves on the well-known division of customers into internal
and external by reclassifying them into fixers, brokers, and
end-users. The idea behind this is that it is more important to
understand the role played by the customer rather than where they
are located. Many of Lawton's ideas are in harmony with those
presented as business process reengineering, and Lawton's support
of these ideas is more substantive than much of that given by
reengineering aficionados. Also, his emphasis on the customer is
not unlike quality function deployment, in which new products are
carefully and intentionally designed with customer desires in
mind. Like both reengineering and QFD, Lawton's approach is not
radically removed from more traditional quality improvement
principles. He starts with many of the same ideas, but emphasizes
different pieces -- time, value-added activities, and the
customer rather than process stability and variation. This book
is well-balanced and sound. Lawton provides many useful tools for
creating a customer-centered culture that are supplemented by
examples. Overall, it is enjoyable and informative reading.
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Kidgets makes use of one of the oldest forms of
instruction -- storytelling -- to make its point about the need
for CQI in education. This collection of charming, simple stories
outlines the essential principles of CQI through example,
relating the concepts directly to the realm of education. The
issue of quality is brought to life. As the subtitle says, this
book is remarkably "insightful." The authors have captured the
union of new ideas and age-old truths that can be found in CQI,
and have used it to tackle a divisive issue among educators.
Kidgets can serve as a good introduction to CQI for
educators. Not only does it cover the basic principles, it
includes discussion questions following each story that encourage
the listeners to explore the issue in their own terms. If you're
wondering how to get people talking about the possibilities of
CQI, this book is a great place to start.
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Total Quality Education profiles six primary or secondary schools that are using CQI methods, either purposely or coincidentally, to improve the quality of the education they provide. The authors provide a brief generalized look at Deming and what his theories of quality improvement can mean to education, but the purpose is not a thorough look at all the issues surrounding quality in education. The real value of this book lies in the close-up investigations of schools that are working very hard to improve the total educational experience.Although the six schools profiled in the book have embraced different models of education, there are many common themes: student involvement in setting educational goals and objectives; time for teachers to hold team meetings and participate in cooperative efforts; administrators who provide support for teachers rather than control; community involvement; belief that students can succeed given enough time; and the constant measurement of processes and programs. These are just a few of the many valuable and sometimes unique ideas that are presented.
On Q: Causing Quality in Higher Education This book presents a
thorough investigation of the need for and application of
strategic quality management in higher education. The author
writes with both the authority of experience in higher education
and a sincere belief in the value of quality improvement. The
idea of quality improvement is not an easy one for many
educators, but Seymour does not flinch from taking this to task.
He makes it clear that, despite the challenge to many
long-held-dear opinions, improvement in the management of higher
education, both inside and outside the classroom, is key to
sustaining our colleges and universities. Seymour includes a
solid base of theory highlighted by useful examples and
anecdotes. He includes a good introduction to CQI principles and
tools as well as detailed discussion of education-specific issues
such as his chapter on "Choosing to be Distinctive." The final
chapter of the book, "Telling the Quality Story," is an
interesting and unique look at the communication efforts of
colleges and universities. If you want to read a single book on
quality in education, this is a great choice.
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Although this book is not specifically about CQI in education,
the author does investigate many of the principles that make up a
culture of quality and how they can be applied to education.
Lewis posits that only by changing the way we manage education
can our schools succeed in the coming century. Some of the
"gear-shifting" Lewis discusses includes: self-management,
driving our fear, empowerment, intrapreneurialship, stewardship,
consensus decision-making, and union-management cooperation. Each
of these ideas and a good number of others is discussed both
generally and with specific reference to education. Perhaps the
most outstanding feature of the discussion is the number of real
suggestions for implementing these ideas that Lewis provides. The
emphasis throughout the book is on action rather than theory, an
approach that may prove very useful since this is a topic that
many find hard to pin down. Lewis does not discuss the tools of
CQI, measurement of processes, or the use of data in any form.
This is a book about the culture of education and its management,
and will prove more valuable to the reader if recognized as such
from the outset.
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Quality Management Master Plan: An Implementation PlanThis report provides a good, fairly thorough look at GOAL/QPC's overall approach to implementing and maintaining TQM. If you are a fan of GOAL/QPC's approach, this is a very useful guide to the steps they recommend. Even if you don't follow this particular method, the report contains many ideas that are universal to TQM and can be applied anywhere.
Like the other GOAL/QPC reports, this one is a good summary of what's happening in the field, but doesn't break new ground. If you are not interested in reading a lengthy book on benchmarking, this report is a good substitute. It includes the basics of benchmarking along with a case study to illustrate the process, though no doubt there are fine points that are not covered. Typical of GOAL/QPC, this report presents a very systematic, step-by-step approach to benchmarking that users can either follow verbatim or mold to suit their own purposes.
Facilitating and Training in Quality Function Deployment This
book is designed for use by people who are teaching others about
QFD. It assumes that the user of the book has a basic working
knowledge of QFDand want help in training others. It includes
advice on introducing QFD into your organization, case studies to
draw on, and teaching guides and tools. This book is also a
useful aid to anyone who has been introduced to QFD and wants to
learn more or cement what they already know.
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This report is a fairly lengthy but friendly document covering the research and recommendations of the National Performance Review, chartered to review the federal government. It is a good resource for anyone in government, whether federal, state, or local, and any concerned citizen. The report covers removing red tape, focusing on customers, empowering employees, and cutting government back to basics. The anecdotes of poor quality are sometimes hair-raising but always instructive and help make the report very accessible. Although many of the recommendations are specifically about problems at the federal level, they embody good ideas that could apply anywhere when viewed in a larger sense.
A thorough explanation of the practices that underlie high
performance, from a man who has been there and done that, not
least with the Tactical Air Command in the events that led to
Desert Storm.
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In this book, Peter Senge and his colleagues continue to
ground out the theories advanced in The Fifth Discipline.
The FieldBook is designed to help systems thinking become
a part of life and work.
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This book is stuffed full of practical management wisdom, and it is easy to read. I had to take it in stages, and make lots of notes, to avoid getting overwhelmed by the sheer number of suggestions. The overall thesis is that leaders cannot act like head buffaloes, which make all the decisions for the herd. Rather, they need to learn to empower employees, to remove obstacles to great performance - to act, they say, as a lead goose.
Glen Peace takes a thorough, understandable approach to presenting Genichi Taguchi's thought and its application. The book makes excellent use of graphics to illustrate experimental design stages, and integrates Taguchi methods neatly into a general process improvement algorithm.
A Guide to Graphical Problem-Solving Processes The Pareto
effect holds for the quality improvement toolbox. This little
book, like Goal/QPC's Memory Jogger, gives you 80% of what you
will ever need to solve quality problems, and will consume far
less than 20% of your shelf space. Creative, analytical, group
process and statistical tools are all here, reasonably well
organized, and easily accessible to people without degrees in
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This guide to statistical process control is simple enough for
Everyman, as its title suggests, but it does get into important
areas that shorter books skim over, e.g. sampling plans and
process capability studies. There are examples, sample problems
with answers, and plenty of charts.
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I do not know what it is about this book -- the tone, the
layout, or what -- but this is actually very pleasant to read and
use. It is suitable for any newcomer to the field, yet will be
adequate for all but the most advanced SPC practitioners. It
includes nice illustrations, well-written examples, process
improvement algorithms, a wide range of tools, and even a few
subjects which most introductory books do not attempt.
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This is a very encouraging article that discusses 24 quality
directives for schools in light of the improvement activities of
the Millcreek School District in Erie, Pennsylvania. The 24
points may be beyond the reach of some schools at the present
time, but certainly paint a hopeful picture for the future. Any
educator wondering how to relate quality improvement to education
should read this for inspiration.
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While this article may make educators uncomfortable, it does provide a good example of what TQM in education can accomplish. The author reports on the changes made at George Westinghouse Vocational/Technical High School in New York City. Westinghouse High School has been using TQM techniques since 1988 with real successes including lower drop-out rates, parent involvement, relations with the business community, and better student performance and participation. Westinghouse has developed innovative solutions that would be helpful to any school getting involved with TQM, but they all require work and dedication.
Gray Rinehart has produced a very worthwhile, in-depth look at
the problems in the U.S. education system and how those problems
can be addressed using Deming's philosophy of quality and
continuous improvement. He offers perhaps the best history and
explanation of the quality movement around. The book is worth
reading for this alone. As it progresses, the book becomes more
focused on curriculum and standards (mostly for junior/senior
high school) than how to make quality improvement actually work
in the classroom, but his ideas are nonetheless valuable. Now if
only there was a viable way to make them happen. Sure, doing away
with grades and leaving decisions solely up to the instructor's
judgment sounds good, but it's easier (and fairer) said than
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